Phonon Winter Bash 2014

As an organization phonon believes that along with working hard, partying and sharing some moments with each other are equally important. Phonon Team celebrated winter Bash 2014 at Hotel Peppermint on 20th December 2014 in the presence of all employees and family members. The bash went through in the following sequence :
Presentation :
Presentation from all the vertical head was done which included accomplishments of the calendar year 2014 and milestone to be achieved in the year 2015. All the presentations were well crafted with facts, figures and experience sharing. Futuristic planning in order to move forward through a big leap was also made.

Talk Show with CEO: Live talk show with CEO – Mr. Ujwal Makhija was another event which received applaud from the team.  An interactive session included some interesting information like how, where and why the company name, Phonon was finalized, vision and diversification of company in the near future, etc.  The team has some hearty moments when the CEO was asked an alternative to his current career and education. A great one on many session with some good company insight and cheerful laughs.
Birthday & Work Anniversary Celebration: Celebration of Birth Day of an employee and the Work Anniversary is part of phonon culture. December was a month where there are 4  employee’s birthday and 2 employee’s work anniversary was celebrated. The winter bash was the occasion when it was celebrated jointly in presence of phonon team and family members.
Reward & Recognition: Reward and recognition event was classified into three categories.
  • Leadership Excellence
  • Star Employee
  • Best Team Player

Mr. Parin Shah was awarded Leadership Excellence, Ms. Neeta Khanchandani was awarded Star Employee and Ms. Priyanka Bhatia was awarded Best Team Player award.

Finally, the event ended with a gala dinner.

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